Monday, 16 May 2011

Bloomsbury Media Cloud

Launch Event, Friday 20th May

In January 2010, JISC awarded the Bloomsbury Colleges £90,000 to deliver a project - the Bloomsbury Media Cloud, which builds upon their portfolio of shared licenses and collaborative approaches to supporting learning, teaching and research. The project, running in partnership with the London International Development Centre (LIDC) aimed to establish a shared media platform across the Colleges to create a consortium site with a focus on issues relating to international development.

This is the official launch of the new media platform - please contact if you would like to attend.

1300 Lunch
1400 Welcome (Sarah Sherman, Project Manager)
1410 Keynote Presentation: Richard Jacobs (Director of Business Development, MGt plc & PayWizard plc)
1440 Bloomsbury’s International Profile (Nick Short, Project Director)
1450 The Bloomsbury Media Cloud (Neal MacInnes, Media Officer)
1510 Developing an Open Source Media Platform (Stuart Bowness, Director: MediaCore)
1530 Break
1545 Cloud Computing and JISC (Alex Hawker, Programme Manager: JISC)
1605 e-Copyright and Digital Performance Rights (Zak Mensah, e-Learning Officer: JISC Digital Media)
1630 Drinks Reception

The Hash-tag for the event is #BLEcloud

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