Wednesday, 28 May 2014

First Year Birthday for EuFMD - eMedia Collaboration

The RVC eMedia Unit is proud to have been working with the EuFMD team on developing their e-learning site. The quality and commitment of the team has produced an outstanding resource which has had widespread praise from users throughout Europe and further afield. 

Well done to you all!

                 ** it's our e-learning site's birthday today!** 

The EuFMD's e-Learning site is one year old today!! The site, produced in partnership with the Royal Veterinary College, University of London, now has over 400 registered users.

It hosts the EuFMD's online training courses, including:

- Induction and Refresher training courses for participants in EuFMD's Real Time Training programme.
- The online FMD Emergency Preparation Course, which prepares veterinarians to diagnose and investigate an FMD outbreak.
- Webinars to update, network and train participants from EuFMD's member states and beyond.
- Induction training for EuFMD's workshops on the use of modelling as a decision support tools.
- A repository of FMD related resources.

The site is developing rapidly, with translation of the existing training courses now underway, and additional training courses in development. The FMD Emergency Preparation Course will be available in French and Russian later this month, with additional language versions planned for later in 2014.

Email for more info!

Check our website:

Follow us on Twitter for updates #EuFMD.

                                          **HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!**

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Flipped lectures - presentation to Bloomsbury Learning Environment 21st May 2013

Presentation on the use of Flipped Lectures at the RVC for inductions on rotation and revision.

Watch the Panopto Recording here of the lecture.

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Global Learning for Global Health Professionals

Global Learning for Global Health Professionals | lidcblog:

An overview of the Global Student project that the RVC has been a partner in. See more about this work at