Friday, 21 May 2010

Echo 360 at the RVC

The Royal Veterinary College has recently adopted Echo 360 to record and publish all its lectures. Each lecture theatre has its own dedicated mixing box which combines digital feeds from the screen (eg Powerpoint or video) with the audio or video recording of the lecturer. The resulting streaming video is automatically load onto a server and linked in to the relevant course on Blackboard at the end of each lecture.

You can view an example video here of a lecture by Professor Katarina Staerk..

The RVC works closely with the other Bloomsbury Colleges (SOAS, IoE, LSHTM, Birkbeck and SoP) on the Bloomsbury Learning Environment. As part of this collaboration the Colleges have a shared services policy which includes sharing costs such as the Echo 360 licence and joint training. There is an example a training video on using Echo 360 here.

The RVC also leads a JISC funded shared services and cloud project called the Bloomsbury Media Cloud. More details about this initiative can be found here.

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Bartonferry said...
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